Courthouse Main Entrance closed for remodeling starting September 3rd until further notice - The public will need to use the door on the Southwest corner of the courthouse.
Parks & Wildlife Areas
Explore Cerro Gordo County's 37 parks, trails, and wildlife areas that total 3,934 acres.
Averydale Access
3455 S. Birch Dr.Mason City, IA 50401
Blair Meadows Preserve
275th St.Mason City, IA 50401
Blazing-Star Prairie
16747 - 180th St.Rockwell, IA 50469
Blue-Bill Wildlife Area
14369 S. 40th St.Clear Lake, IA 50428
Blue-Wing Marsh
3748 220th St.Ventura, IA 50482
Claybanks Forest
225th St.Rockford, IA 50468
Donna Walker Nature Area
8103 315th St.Clear Lake, IA 50428
Goranson Access
3139 S. Birch Dr.Mason City, IA 50401
Grover’s Meadow
15580 Zinnia Ave.Nora Springs, IA 50458
Hansen Wildlife Area
3354 310th St.Clear Lake, IA 50428
Haugen Wildlife Area
22151 Apple Ave.Ventura, IA 50482
Ingebretson Park
203 Ash St. E.Thornton, IA 50479
Kingfisher Hollow Access
10250 Wheelerwood Dr.Mason City, IA 50401
Kuhn Wildlife Area
1873 310th St.Ventura, IA 50482
Lime Creek Conservation Area and Nature Center
3501 Lime Creek Rd.Mason City, IA 50401
Limestone Prairie Preserve
24928 225th St.Rockford, IA 50468
Linn Grove Park
518 Madison St. WRockwell, IA 50469
Mallard Marsh
2500 325th St.Fertile, IA 50434
Mike Zack Wildlife Area
16638 230th St.Mason City, IA 50401
Otter Bend Wildlife Area
2386 310th St.Clear Lake, IA 50428
Prairie Land Trail
13773 240th St.Mason City, IA 50401
Prairie Pothole Wildlife Area
24493 Apple Ave.Forest City, IA 50436
Preuss Nature Area
260 N. Illinois Ave.Mason City, IA 50401
Ring Neck
5891 125th St.Thornton, IA 50479
Shellrock River Greenbelt and Preserve
19316 Yucca Ave.Rock Falls, IA 50467
Sisters' Prairie Trail
2854 235th St.Ventura, IA 50482
Spring Creek Preserve
15829 300th St.Mason City, IA 50401
Stille Wildlife Area
4821 Jonquil Ave.Swaledale, IA 50477
Strand Park
20057 340th St.Plymouth, IA 50464
Trolley Trail
255th St.Mason City, IA 50401
Walch Wildlife Area
10811 190th St.Swaledale, IA 50477
White Wildlife Area
22038 Vine Ave.Mason City, IA 50401
Wilkinson Pioneer Park
21425 Vine Ave.Rock Falls, IA 50467
Willow Creek Preserve
4033 12th St. NWMason City, IA 50401
Winnebago Oxbow
3100 320th St.Clear Lake, IA 50428
Winter Garden Recreation Area
1220 N. 16th St. W.Clear Lake, IA 50428
Zirbel Slough
8447 200th St.Clear Lake, IA 50428